We are experts on titania. Our team has a strong competence on materials and electrochemical energy technology, combined with solid experience within commercialisation of technology, intellectual property, production and innovation management. Titania is our Play-Doh, which we transform into innovative products. The green shift is happening, we work to speed it up – having fun along the road.

Team TioTech – speeding it up!


Chairman of the board

Leiv L. Nergaard

Our chairman of the board has a wide network within finance, earned by a long career in national and international business. Leiv worked in Norsk Hydro for 38 years, being the CFO for 12 of those. He has had numerous prestigious board memberships in large Norwegian companies like Storebrand, Yara and Rieber & Son. Since 2007 he is a partner of Norscan Partners providing strategic advice and M&A service to clients.

+47 918 06 231
Board Member

Åge Korsvold

Åge has extensive background within industry, finance and management, highlighted by the positions as CEO of Storebrand, Kistefos and Orkla. He is currently working as professional board member and advisor both nationally and internationally.

Board Member

Birger Solberg

Since graduating with a mechanical engineering degree in 1984, Birger has been involved in the European metals and minerals industry, both in operations and in sales. He has spent 18 years in SIBELCO, being managing director for their Nordic and Eastern European operations amongst other tasks. Since 2016 he has been CEO of Cappelen Group. Birger has vast board room experience from amongst others Backe-group, Store Norske Spitsbergen Kullkompani and Franzefoss Minerals.

Board Member

Dr. Trygve Burchardt

Dr. Trygve Burchardt has thorough experience from founding and working in technology start-ups, and broad knowledge about batteries and the battery value chain. He is currently CEO of ECO STOR AS, a company offering affordable energy storage by repurposed EV batteries. Previously, he has founded and been the CTO of Biim Ultrasound (medical technology) and ReVolt Technology (new battery technology for a range of applications).

We know that TitanB™ has a place in the battery value chain – and that team TioTech will take it there.

Contact us if you want to learn more about TitanBTM and its properties, test our materials in your battery cells or partner with us.

Please contact us